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Main Types of Sentences: All You Need to Know

Learners need to be aware of four basic types of sentences to transmit their ideas. Knowledge of different types of sentences helps to disclose ideas clearly and precisely. Readers respond better when you guide them or give a command because it provides care, vibes, and is difficult to neglect.

Start a sentence with a modifying clause or a participial phrase because readers easily get bored with the usual verb preceded by subject sentence structure. “When a laboratory experiment with viruses is complete, scientists can begin to produce a vaccine.” “Having experimented with the viruses, the scientists started producing a vaccine.”

Sentences in your essay writings must differ from each other. There must be simple and compound constructions to hold the reader`s interest. Remember that using too many similar-structure sentences of any type will be banal for your reader.

Sentences are made up of independent and dependent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences while the second needs an independent clause to summarize its content. Different types of sentences are made up of various combinations of these two types of clauses.

Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

Simple Sentences

They embody a subject and a verb and just one independent clause, and it may also have an object and modifiers. There is a full stop at the end. Here are a few examples:

Jack played. Jack won a football match.

She finished her course yesterday. Boys practiced karate for a few years.

Compound Sentences

They may consist of two or more independent clauses that are connected in meaning to make a story more flowing. Compound sentences are joined with a comma, semicolon, and such words as: and, but, so, yet. Read a few samples:

Sarah practiced Spanish a lot, and finally, she managed to speak it.

Jess was in the gym for 2 hours; then, she continued working on her project.

Complex Sentences

They comprise an independent clause with a dependent one that can be separated by a comma based on the clauses` placement. Dependent clauses can refer to the sequence/time or the causal elements of the independent clause and begin with: although, as, because, even though, if, instead, when, whenever, where, while. Read the examples:

He won the championship because he trained a lot.

Although there are thousands of lawyers, it doesn`t mean that all of them are experts.

When a sentence begins with the dependent clause, put a comma before the independent clause:

Because you were late, the plane took off.

Compound-complex sentences

They involve two independent and one dependent clause. Applying complex-compound sentences allows for more sentence diversity. Students have to pay attention to commas in complex-compound sentences so that the readers can understand the content. Read a few samples of this type:

With cheeseburgers and cola at hand, they were reading his new book for hours, and they recognized that this novel was worth attention because it was about topical environmental problems in the world.

He won his first poker tournament, but he has to practice more even though he has all chances to achieve victory in the second contest.

Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative and Declarative types of sentences

Type 1 – Imperative sentences are known as jussive or directive. It is used for a respectful asking and to give instructions, express order, direction, and request. This kind of sentence is obtained from kings who used to give commands. It usually finishes with a period or an exclamation mark. This kind of sentence is short, but sometimes can be lengthy, depending on the context. Many imperative sentences include only a verb in the infinitive form. The unstated subject is “you.” They are used in the present and future tenses in a positive and negative form. Read the following specimens:

-Go home!

-Don`t waste your money!

-Be careful!

-Don`t be lazy!

Classification of interrogative sentences:

  • Provide information – “In case of emergency, break the glass and open the window.”
  • Give a command – “Get out of the classroom.”
  • Suggest a proposal – “Please go with me to the ball.”
  • Share a desire – “Have a nice trip!”

Type 2 – Exclamatory sentences begin with “What” or “How” and end with an exclamatory mark. We use exclamative sentences, mostly in communication. Strong emotions are expressed in this type of sentence. An exclamatory sentence makes a statement, and it conveys emotions and enthusiasm. It is not used in business, but in informal correspondence and commercials. Here you can read some samples of exclamatory sentences that begin with “What”:

-What a beautiful woman!

-What a horrible virus!

-What an amazing holiday!

Exclamatory Sentences That Begin with “How:”

-How stunning it was!

-How masterly she sings!

-How smart you are!

An interjection is put before the exclamatory sentence that is grammatically not a part of it. Interjections usually express panic, pleasure, doubt, joy, disgust, surprise. Samples of injections:

Oh! Such a wonderful landscape!

Wow! What a nice hair color you have!

Good grief! Why are you wearing this black scarf!

Yahoo! I won a grant!

Hmm! Let me think about it!

Type 3 – An interrogative sentence asks a direct question and is punctuated at the end with a question mark. It is one of the four basic types of sentences, and it’s a highly useful one. Texts without queries seem tedious.

The principal function of interrogative sentences is to clarify distractions, participate in pleasurable debates with others, and collect info. It’s also practical in writing as an organizational tool; for instance, you can arrange queries as headers and answer them to define an idea in more detail in essay writing.

An interrogative sentence can be affirmative or negative, for example:

Why do you live here?

Why don`t you live here?

Why weren`t you absent?

Why were you absent last week?

There are three fundamental types of questions:

-Yes/No questions. For example: Do you see the stars?

– Sentences that start with the WH-word and the response is some exact information, for example:” What is your hobby? (dancing).

– Alternative interrogative sentences. For instance: “Does she like blond or black hair color?”

Some students confuse direct (in the interrogative form) and indirect questions (in the declarative form).

Direct: Did he win the lottery? This is a simple interrogative with an auxiliary verb, subject, and action verb.

Indirect: They asked if I helped those people. This is a declarative sentence and encompasses an indirect question with no question mark.

Type 4 – A declarative sentence is made of a subject and a verb, and it is a purpose to make a declaration. It ought to be finished with a period. They are used in positive and negative in all tenses. Its function is to transmit facts and data, respond to queries, and share feelings. This kind of sentence is the most universal because we use it daily. Read these examples:

-You are young.

-She is not guilty.

-Our groupmates were very anxious yesterday.

-Megan hasn`t completed her project.

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Apply this information in essay writings to discern types of sentence construction. With these instructions, you will easily break too extended sentences into shorter ones, or join bold sentences together to make the term paper more logical. Make your paperwork clear by reading and correcting it many times.

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